You don't need to move mountains to make a difference. My experience has taught me that the capacity to dream big is not confined to any country, age, or gender. The desire to take initiative, be your own boss, advance your life, and improve the world is universal as long as you keep in mind, the roadblocks are universal too
Hyasintha Ntuyeko is a passionate social entrepreneur who started her journey in 2010 as a sole proprietor immediately after she graduated from St. Joseph College of Engineering and Technology in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Her training there prepared her to challenge her status quo by revolutionizing the Menstrual Health narrative and helping others in the process. Through her own menstrual challenges which were mainly in cramps and poor quality of sanitary pads, Hyasintha decided to be part of the solution by importing quality sanitary pads from Kenya through the support of her Aunt Vicky and her friends: Rogathe Mbise and Neema Bakari. This experience opened up her eyes and made her realize the magnitude of the Menstrual Hygiene challenges to women; bringing quality pads was not enough to solve the crisis. Women and girls were struggling with social taboos, access to water, infrastructure for disposal, limited knowledge on menstrual hygiene management, and many of these women couldn’t afford buying menstrual pads every month. Hyasintha felt the urge of committing her career as a social entrepreneur through bringing